Sigillaria saturnalia
Sigillaria saturnalia

sigillaria saturnalia

Nihilominus Saturnus more Graeco capite aperto colebatur, tamquam deus peregrinus. prodigiorum maximorum procurandorum causa Romam introducti sunt -partim adsumpserunt, sed ea Romae multo inlustriora fuerunt populariaque magis quam Cronia Athenis. Saturnalia sibi ferias Graecas " Cronia"-quarum ritus fortasse anno 218 a.C.n. Eo die, templum Saturno in Foro Romano dedicatum erat. XIV Kalendas Ianuarias (die 17 Decembris) et diebus sequentibus Saturni dei honorandi causa celebrabantur. Saturnalia fuerunt dies festi Romanorum, qui a.d. Hermes is the only god that still visits Earth as such he knows about Christmas while the others do not.Saturnalia, sculptura in Horto Botanico urbis Bonaëropolis Argentinae, opus Ernesti Biondi, artificis Italici.A herm is a sculpture with a head and perhaps a torso of the god of roads Hermes above a plain, usually squared lower section, on which male genitals may also be carved at the appropriate height.It serves as one of the origins of modern day Christmas along with the Germanic people Yule festival.

sigillaria saturnalia

Saturnalia an ancient Roman festival and holiday in honor of the god Saturn, held on 17 December.In fact, it was while I was on vacation that I, uh came up with these ideas. Hermes: I recently returned from vacation.Are you feeling all right? Are you overworked? Do you need to take a vacation? Hermes: No! I was just- You know what, you deliver all the presents during Saturnalia! I'll lend you my Caduceus and Talaria- Wait, no! I have a better idea! We could dress you in red, give you a nice chariot pulled by a team of flying hinds, and you cna leave the sigillaria in people's socks! How do you feel about baked goods?.Khione: This is obviously a tactic to increase trade during my know, to your neighbors or peers at schools or work, but. Hermes: Sure, I also love giving out my junk to people.I have always thought the sigillaria are fun. Why not expand it so you could be encouraged to give thoughtful and useful presents to your friends and family? Hermes: Sigillaria are gag gifts and useless trinkets.Khione: The exchange of sigillaria? What of it? How should I expand it?.Have you thought about expanding the gift-giving? It's "the best of days" as is, but I'm just saying.


Khione: Saturalia is full of mirth and fun already.Thalia: I do like the idea of spreading cheer.Hermes: What? I can't have an opinion? It hasn't had any significant additions to it's traditions in centuries.Dionysus: What is the point? Why are you so interested in overhauling Saturnalian traditions?.I'm the God of a lot of things, but none of that is the point. Khione: Yes, but you're also the God of Thieves.Hermes: Well, I am the God of Invention, aren't I?.Dionysus: Cousin, I am most curious, are these traditions of your own invention or acquire them elsewhere?.Erato: I don't see a problem with that tradition.Hermes: It's harmless fun, You hang some mistletoe up and if two people are standing under it, they're meant to kiss.Obviously, this is something that Demeter would likely object to. He is also hanging weed from thresholds and encouraging some fertility practice to be done beneath it. Dionysus: Nonsense does tend to be a prevailing feature that rules during Saturnalia.My own juvenile creations come back o bite me in the ass.

sigillaria saturnalia

  • Erato: Prick! Like one of your other inventions? the 'herms'? Except instead of rocks, you use snow?.
  • You roll big balls od snow and stack them on top of another to create the shape of a.
  • Khione: Well, I don't know the title, but it went something like this.
  • Euterpe: I don't see the problem with that.
  • Khione: Well, for starters, he was teaching mortals songs to be sung.
  • Khione: He was found introducing new traditions to a festival of which I oversee.
  • Erato: Schemes? What schemes would these be?.
  • You have had your thieving little hands all ready to snatch the purview out from me. The last thing I need is another purview.
  • Khione: He's trying to usurp my place as the Deity of Saturnalia.
  • Hermes: I was merely seeking to bring some extra fun to Saturnalia.
  • Dionysus: An injusction? Why? What did you do, cousin?.
  • Hermes: She's seeking an injyction against me.
  • and you brought Hermes as your second? I didn't realize you two were a thing again.
  • Khione: Actually, I'm the one who requested this audience.
  • So, we will amend the newest printing of Rites, Rotes, and Rituals with more clear language on the subject of participant nudity at the Ecdysia.
  • Dionysus: Well, then, I think that covers that.
  • Location: Olympus - Chamber of Festivals.

  • Sigillaria saturnalia